Zephyr Farms CSA

Farm Share Week 9

CSA Share Week 9 from Zephyr Farms

Since we knew we would be a bit home bound this summer due to our new bundle of joy (baby girl if you placed a bet, and yes, both babe and Beth are doing well), we enrolled in our first-ever CSA through the wonderful folks over at Zephyr Farms in Cranston, RI.

Luckily, we had the foresight to listen to the advice of friends, and we split our share with another friend. We pick up a bunch of produce every 2 weeks, and we also got half an egg share, which means a dozen eggs every time we pick up the produce as well. So far, it’s worked out great. The half share is plenty of produce for the two of us… a full share would have been way too much. The variety so far this year has been great as well, and we’ve even tried a few things we’ve never cooked with before, like fennel.

You can see on their blog all the great stuff that they have been harvesting, and I must say, the tomatoes that are starting to come in are fantastic. Also, grilled yellow squash and zucchini make a great topping to salads or pasta… I just grill a bunch ahead of time so it doesn’t go bad and I’ve got it in the fridge whenever I want to add some savory char to a dish.

This week we picked up 4 lbs of tomatoes, 3 lbs cucumbers, 3 lbs squash, bunch of beets, small head of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, onions, hot peppers, sweet peppers, eggplant and the crown jewel, and something I completely did not expect – a small watermelon! So far, I’m very happy and impressed with the experience. To think… we’ll have produce rolling in until October!

Looks like I’ve got some cooking to do this week. I’ve also got some green beans and potatoes from the last share that I need to use. Hmmm… me thinks a ratatouille is in my future.

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